People killing, people dying, people lying, people blind
People don't see the sign, watching money all the time
Get the pennies, get the dimes, get the dollars is the mindstate
Of the human race, people on the paper chase
The environment is fragile, and we been on the gradual
Declining in a lifetime or lose the battle
Get burned by volcanoes, get blown by tornadoes
Cause mother nature signals, is trying to warn NATO
We got a new terror threat, it's called the weather
More deadlier than chemical and nuclear together
It's hotter in the winter, even hotter in the summer
Jesus, or Buddha, somebody come and help us out
以上歌詞來前Will.I.Am 嘅S.O.S (mother nature)。咩意思,我諗傻嘅都feel到。而家十一月都黎梗,重係好熱,不如一係就快啲熱死哂我地啦,無謂慢慢焗我地。我唔想無左冬天呀!我唔想著住背心過聖誕!
5 則留言:
simple plan首CRAZY既歌詞都係類似既意味 得閑可以聽下
Re 匿名1: 有高人介紹,真係要即刻聽聽喇。
Re 匿名2: 咁又唔係咁誇張嘅,咁多女仔鍾意戴冷帽~
re luffy:原本呢句係事實,聽在香港人耳裡變左寸嘴。by the way,著多件衫喇。